“Lexa is much more mobile… after 3 months she is like a different person.”
Monika 3.402 andere Hundehalter
Monika and 3,402 other dog owners trust Naturalis DOG

BUNDLE: All-round carefree package small

Regular price CHF 24.00
inkl. MwSt. CHF 8.00 / kg

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Unsere Hunde schenken uns ihre Liebe. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir gut für sie sorgen:

  • 6 leckere Sorten Nassfutter
  • Top Verträglichkeit
  • 60% Fleischanteil in höchster Qualität
  • Ohne Zusatz von Getreide, Gluten und Soja
  • Mit Liebe in Deutschland zubereitet

Unser Bundle „Probierpaket“ enthält 6x400g Dosen mit all unseren Sorten für die grösstmögliche Vielfalt für deinen Liebling, 40g Leckerli-Kekse sowie einen Silikondeckel für den Wiederverschluss der Dosen. 

Natürliche und gesunde Zutaten zu höchsten Qualitätsstandards, verpackt als leckere und vollwertige Fleischmahlzeit unter den höchsten Ansprüchen an Verträglichkeit & Qualität. Dazu kommen ein Fleischanteil von 60 Prozent, fünf Superfoods, Honig sowie eine spezielle Naturalis DOG Naturkräutermischung, welche in Kombination die Mahlzeit zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis für deinen Liebling macht. Sie deckt alle Bedürfnisse deines Hundes ab und unterstützt die Gesundheit deines Vierbeiners.

In unserem Bundle „Probierpaket“ ist enthalten: 
• 1x 400g Rind PREMIUM
• 1x 400g Huhn PREMIUM
• 1x 400g Wildschwein PREMIUM
• 1x 400g Schale Pferd SENSITIVE & Light
• 1x 400g Lamm SENSITIVE
• 1x 400g Känguru SENSITIVE & Light
• 1x 40g Leckerli
• 1x Silikondeckel
• 1x Broschüre über unser Futter und Unternehmen
• 1x exklusive Aktionskarte

Rind mit Süsskartoffel, Mangold, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Rindfleisch aus der EU (Rindermuskelfleisch, Rinderherzen, Rinderlebern), 26,2% Brühe, 6% Süsskartoffel, 4% Mangold, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig

Huhn mit Amaranth, Zucchini, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Hühnerfleisch aus der EU (Hühnermuskelfleisch, Hühnerherzen, Hühnerlebern, Hühnerhälse), 26,1% Brühe, 6% Amaranth, 4% Zucchini, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig

Wildschwein mit Kartoffeln, Karotten, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Wildschwein aus der EU (Wildschweinmuskelfleisch, Wildschweinherzen, Wildschweinlebern, Wildschweinlungen), 26,1% Brühe, 6% Karotte, 4% Kartoffel, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig

Pferd mit Pastinake, Grünkohl, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Pferdefleisch aus der EU (Pferdemuskelfleisch, Pferdeherzen, Pferdelebern), 26,2% Brühe, 6% Pastinake, 3% Grünkohl, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig nur 5,6% Fett

Lamm mit Kürbis, Quinoa, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Lammfleisch aus Neuseeland (Lammmuskelfleisch, Lammherzen, Lammlebern, Lammlungen), 26,2% Brühe, 6% Kürbis, 4% Quinoa, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig

Känguru mit rote Beete/Rande, Kartoffel, Superfoods und Naturkräuter

60% Kängurufleisch aus Australien (Kängurumuskelfleisch, Känguruherzen, Kängurulebern, Kängurulungen), 26,1% Brühe, 7% Kartoffel, 3% rote Beete/Randen, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 1% Mineralstoffe, 0,2% Teufelskralle, 0,2% Grünlippmuschel, 0,2% Leinöl (kaltgepresst), 0,2% Distelöl (kaltgepresst), 0,1% Honig und nur 3,5% Fett


70% frisches Wildfleisch, Kartoffelmehl, 4% Karotte, 4% Rande/Rote Beete, 4% Kokosmehl, Kartoffelflocken, 4% Superfoods (Aroniabeere, Gojibeere, Hagebutte, Heidelbeere, Sanddorn), 2% Pastinake, 1% Schweizer Alpenhonig, 1% Naturalis Kräutermischung, 1% Teufelskralle, 0,5% Grünlippmuschel, Gemüsebrühe


Unsere Dosendeckel sind aus Silikon, frei von Weichmachern und zum Wiederverschließen unserer Naturalis DOG-Dosen bestens geeignet. Sie halten Gerüche fern und den Inhalt frisch. Besonders praktisch: Die Silikondeckel lassen sich ganz einfach auch in der Spülmaschine säubern.

What are superfoods and why are they in dog food?

Prevention is better than cure, as Grandma always says. That's why we use five types of fruit in each variety that are particularly rich in vitamins, provitamins and antioxidants, so-called superfoods.

Superfoods can help your pet stay healthy in a natural way. Because superfoods are great for dogs too :)

The following superfoods are in our food:

  • aronia berries: Studies have shown that the blue-black berries of the Aronia (chokeberry) have anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, vasodilatory, blood sugar regulating and antioxidant effects. Aronia has a mild laxative effect, so it promotes urine production and can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. The small berry also seems to be well suited to lowering blood pressure and the fat content in the blood. A true super berry.
  • rose hip: Rose hips have a high content of vitamins and provitamins, such as vitamin C, A, B1, B2 and E. They can help against spring fatigue and prevent colds. Rose hips also gently promote bowel movements and help the body to form new immune cells.
  • goji berries: Goji berries are not only rich in vitamins, but also in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from cell damage and thus counteract aging. No wonder they have been used in Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years. A manual for doctors from the Ming Dynasty states: "Regular consumption of goji berries regulates the vital flow of energy, strengthens the entire organism and gives a long life." So they are just the right thing for your darling.
  • blueberries: The blueberry, also called bilberry, is native to our latitudes. Ronny's personal favorite berry. Blueberries are among the fruits with the highest antioxidant effect, meaning they catch free radicals that cause cell damage. They also contain many vitamins such as vitamin C. But also beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A, which supports the function of the eyes. Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties, can help the skin with its natural protective function from the outside, but also help with digestive problems from the inside. And the great thing is: blueberries have very few calories, perfect for a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet. And they taste simply delicious.
  • sea ​​buckthorn: Some people call sea buckthorn the lemon of the north. Actually, that's not true, because: The vitamin C content in sea buckthorn is many times higher than in lemons. This means that sea buckthorn protects the immune system in a natural way. In addition to many other vitamins, the berries contain potassium and magnesium. Both substances support muscles and nerves, while the calcium they also contain strengthens the bones. Finally, sea buckthorn berries are also rich in tannins. Tannins give many medicinal plants such as sea buckthorn anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucous membrane-protecting properties.

What are natural herbs and why are they in dog food?

Natural herbs are herbs that have been used in natural medicine for hundreds of years.

In our food you will find, for example, marigold and wild pansy. Both are designed to help your pet achieve a shiny coat and sparkling eyes.

wild pansyis often used for skin problems and can ensure a shiny coat and shining eyes.

Due to its mild properties, it is often used in natural medicine for children and older people. It is therefore also very suitable for sensitive dogs. In addition, wild pansy can help against rheumatism, gout and joint inflammation thanks to its valuable ingredients.

The marigoldsupports wound healing and can reduce dry skin and inhibit inflammation.

It is also said to have a positive effect on the immune system. In naturopathy, marigold is used to support conjunctivitis. And all this with the power of nature.

What is devil's claw and green-lipped mussel and why in combination?

As we get older, we become more clumsy and our movements are no longer as quick as they were when we were younger. Everything just takes time.

Our pets are in the same situation. This makes it all the more important to provide preventative support for their bones and joints in advance.

devil's clawcomes from Africa and has been used there for hundreds of years. Devil's claw reduces swelling and promotes the mobilization of stiff joints. It is used in naturopathy primarily against joint pain, rheumatism, arthrosis and other joint diseases. It also stimulates digestion.

green-lipped musselscontain ingredients that are also found in synovial fluid. This means that they can naturally slow down the aging process of your pet's bones and joints. The shell of the green-lipped mussel also provides calcium - naturally.

Especially in combination, both ingredients, devil's claw and green-lipped mussel, can be far more effective than adding them alone.

Why do you not have just one oil, but two oils in your food: linseed oil and safflower oil?

An adequate supply ofomega-3 and omega-6 fatty acidsis important for the cell metabolism of your pet.

Dogs cannot produce either of these fatty acids themselves, so they must be part of a high-quality food. Every type of Naturalis DOG food contains a balanced mixture of linseed oil and safflower oil.

linseed oilis rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and E. It supports a thick and shiny coat. It also has an anti-inflammatory and appetite-stimulating effect.

safflower oilOf all cooking oils, it has the highest number of unsaturated fatty acids, especially many important omega-6 fatty acids. It also contains the important vitamins A and E. With their active ingredient tocopherol, thistles promote wound healing and reduce skin problems.

The combination of linseed oil and safflower oil provides your pet with all the important fatty acids and can help to balance and maintain the gastrointestinal flora in a natural way.

And both oils are of course cold-pressed, which is gentler and means more valuable ingredients are retained.